In Uganda, indoor air pollution caused by the burning of biomass fuels such as firewood, charcoal, and kerosene kills an estimated 31,600 people annually, with the majority being women and children in low-income households. These deaths result from health complications related to unsafe cooking practices. Uganda also faces a massive plastic waste problem, with 600 tons of plastic waste generated daily, of which less than 5% is recycled. Much of this plastic ends up in landfills or contaminates the environment. However, plastic waste can be converted into a clean cooking fuel, providing a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional biomass.

Kyuka Ventures is addressing both plastic waste and energy poverty through its innovation hub. We convert plastic waste into clean cooking gas using our patented technology. This gas is sold at a significantly lower cost than traditional Fuel, offering an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative for households. Our community-based distribution model empowers women entrepreneurs, who help distribute the clean gas through local networks. Customers can purchase gas in affordable canisters or access community kitchens, reducing upfront costs and providing them with on-demand cooking fuel. Our solution provides a safer, cleaner, and more affordable cooking option, significantly reducing indoor air pollution, saving money, and mitigating environmental degradation.
Growing up in a slum community in Kampala, I witnessed dire consequences of poor waste disposal with waste plastic littering on our streets, clogging sewers with worst being when, I contracted cholera and had only 10% chances for survival. Sadly, I lost a mentor due to floods!
With the zeal to make a difference, I passionately embarked on a journey to use my skills to develop and employ innovative solutions in tackling the waste and environmental crisis facing Uganda. This was inspired by the German experience where their waste industry employs 250,000+ individuals, from garbage collectors to scientists, and generates revenues of 50 billion Euros annually. My first attempt was developing an automatic pressure cooker producing unlimited fire, this was successful and but realized I was not having enough investment to compete with other big Chinese companies which were producing a similar solution on large scale. I thus settled on plastic collection and recycling into fuel and gas.

Our impact
150 tons of plastic waste recycled each month
8000 families using our clean cooking gas
3 community kitchens up and running
150 Women waste pickers empowered
11164.76 TONS OF C02 SAVED

Turning Plastic Waste into LPG
At Kyuka Ventures, we are committed to establishing a circular economy for plastics by recycling previously unrecyclable plastic waste. Through closing the plastic loop, our aim is to significantly reduce environmental pollution and drive positive societal change.